Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sweet 15!

Wow! Norma and I have been married for 15 years! I definitely got the better end of the deal. Although one blog entry does not have sufficient room to explain how good I've had it, I'll share a few things I love about my wife:

- She's my best friend.
- She's my kid's best mom (so far..jk!) EVER.
- She loves Italian food.
- She is tidy. She was OCD in a former life but has relaxed on that.
- She loves Jesus.
- She loves people who don't know Jesus.
- She is great with people of all ages.
- She remembers cool stuff like names and birthdays.
- She's sexy all over.
- She's a straight shooter.
- She figures out stuff that I should see but don't, and she does it quickly.
- She knows our children.

A few years ago I wrote in a Bible I gave to her "To Norma - my wife, my lover. You have done me good all the days of my life." I have that same feeling today, maybe a little stronger; and I am lucky to be with her.

Hey Babe, thanks for the great life together! How about another 15? 20? Can I get that in writing?

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