Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

As I read the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ death this morning, I couldn’t stop thinking/singing about Benny Hester's song ‘When God Ran’. For me, it fits really well with what God the Father was doing when He allowed His Son to be tortured, killed, and buried. In the only way possible, He made it possible for us to have a right/good relationship with Him. He did all the work. He came to us, He ran to us.

I heard it 25 years ago as a teen and listened to it over and over on my cassette tape. It was refreshing to hear it from Phillips, Craig, & Dean a few years ago and I’m glad the song got some fresh exposure. But I still like Hester's version better.

I generally don't like homemade music videos, but I wanted to share the song with you. So here are two videos with different sets of images. PC&D is singing on both of them. I hope the love of God as portrayed in this song stirs your heart.

graphic Passion images, no lyrics ---

prodigal son images, lyrics ---