Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Way of the Shepherd

My friend and co-worker, Dale, told me that this was a good little book. He leant me his copy and it sat on my desk for a few weeks. I just finished it's 114 pages last night and I have to agree - it is good!

The subtitle is '7 Secrets to Managing Productive People' and it addresses that topic in a fictional form. The use of stories for communicating principles is nothing new and the actual principles in this story were also not new. But it was told in such a winsom and direct way that the book was fun to read and thought-provoking.

Since all leaders can always do better at knowing, caring for, and guiding their 'sheep', the opportunity to receive a few tips is not always welcome. I know that's true in my case, but this little book did it in a way that works. While reading I simultaneously thought 'Oh man, I've blown it!' and 'I can do that!'.  I think it has to do with that old song, "A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down."

While each of the principles has great value, the three that stood out most to me were these:
  1 - You have to know your flock, and they have to know you.
  2 - The rod of correction includes fighting for your sheep and correcting your sheep.
  3 - Great leadership is a lifestyle, not a technique. It's a matter of the heart.

I've gotta thank Dale for being a good friend, a leader who seeks to be a better shepherd, and a man who loves his family. Thanks for recommending the book; I'll give it back before Jesus returns!

To anyone looking for a quick refresher on fundamental leadership principles, I heartily recommend 'The Way of the Shepherd' to you. It IS a good little book.

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