Thursday, June 25, 2009

CA Trip w/family

It was a great treat to go to CA with my wife and kids! Our main reason for going was to visit my parents and brothers and it was a good visit. Here are a few of the things about the trip that stick out to me:

- People drive differently on the 405 in LA (and much of CA) than they do on I-75 in Flint.

- Our friends, the Thorntons, are in a unique situation and it is fun to watch them in it, better than TV.

- My dad is doing very well with his cancer (his oncologist called it a 'semi-miracle') and it seems to be good for everyone. He's been able to get out and about, cut back on some meds, and resume some of his painting projects.

- Our kids were pretty well-behaved, enjoyed the different cultures they entered and the different kids that they met. (Shout out to Wes, the In-n-Out Burger guy!)

- SF is so unique that it's really cool and weird at the same time.

- CA is a big state.

- Standing on the sand reminds me that the ocean is BIG and I am small.

- Much has changed in the areas where I grew up. Things I remember about those childhood days are confined to a very, very small geographical area when compared to the size of the greater Sacramento area.

This post doesn't do justice to the miles we covered and the sights we saw and the people we visited. But the best thing about the trip was being able to do it together. In one sense we do life together every single day but this was different and very enjoyable. I love my family and thank Him for allowing us to do this trip, and life, together.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Woodwork Parenting

I used to work with wood every single day. I was no craftsman but I learned what to look for and a few basic things about woodworking.

Parenting has some similiarities to that job: 1) I didn't know much when I started. 2) But I did it every day. 3) I learned along the way.

The following quote is a combo of Max Lucado's thoughts and Max quoting James Dobson. It tied parenting and woodworking together.

The key, I repeat, is sensitivity---tuning into the thoughts and feelings of our kids, listening to the clues they give us, and reacting appropriately. The sensitive heart rubs its fingers along the edges, feeling for the deep cracks . . . the snags . . . taking the time to hear . . . to care . . . to give . . . to share.

That's a good word from Max!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Christian book trivia

Prayer of Jabez - 12+ million sold
Left Behind series - 60+ million sold
Purpose-Driven Life - 40+ million sold
Your Best Life Now - 4+ million sold

I gathered these tidbits from Michael Hyatt's May 29 blog entry, 'Why Religious Book Sales Are Down'. He is the CEO of Thomas Nelson, Inc. Here is the link if you want to read the whole interesting thing: